During the campus placements, in the final semesters of my engineering, I and my project partner were the only two students who got placed in the entire campus in the five days of Campus hiring. Despite being a student in one of the prime institutes of Navi Mumbai, I saw how my fellow mates could not get a job due to lack of communication or technical skills and lack of having undertaken internships. Some students had student loans and few even juggled small time businesses and studies. Placement in a good company with a fair package after 4 years of engineering was the bare minimum expectation. That was the first time I witnessed the massive void in bridge for candidates who were left out. The fact that they had the same education as me but could not communicate well during the interviews seeded the conviction in me to do something about it. I refused my offer letter and began the journey towards bridging the gap leading to such disparity.
— Smedha Sarkar, Founder

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